
European Banknote Collections

Work in Progress

Work in Progress

Work in Progress - 1922

Belgian Franc Banknote P-138a.2 Portrait of King Baudouin I 20 francs 1964
Belgian Franc Banknote P-138a.2 The Atomium 20 francs 1964
P-138a.2 King Baudouin I (the fifth King of the Belgians who ruled Belgium from 1951 to 1993)/The Atomium (famous sculpture in the center of Brussels) - 20 francs 1964 (Belgium)
ROYAUME DE BELGIQUE/TRESORERIE/VINGT FRANCS/LE DIRECTEUR GENERAL DE LA TRESORERIE/LA LOI PUNIT LE CONTREFACTEUR - Kingdom of Belgium/Treasury/Twenty Francs/The General Director of the Treasury/The law punishes the counterfeiter
KONINKRIJK BELGIE/THESAURIE/TWINTIG FRANK/DE DIRECTEUR-GENERAAL DER THESAURIE/DE NAMAKER WORDT DOOR DE WET GESTRAFT - Kingdom of Belgium/Treasury/Twenty Francs/The General Director of the Treasury/The law punishes the counterfeiter

Belarusian Ruble Banknote P-26b National Academic Grand Opera and Ballet Theatre of the Republic of Belarus 100 Rubles 2000
Belarusian Ruble Banknote P-26b Ballet, Scene from Jaŭhen Hlebaŭ's, Vybranńitsa 100 Rubles 2000
P-26b National Academic Grand Opera and Ballet Theatre of the Republic of Belarus, Minsk/Ballet (scene from Jaŭhen Hlebaŭ's "Vybranńitsa" ("The Chosen Lady") which premiered in 1969, based on poems of Janka Kupała) - 100 Rubles 2000 (Belarus)
БІЛЕТ НАЦЫЯНАЛЬНАГА БАНКА РЭСПУБЛІКІ БЕЛАРУСЬ НБРБ/НАЦЫЯНАЛЬНЫ АКАДЭМІЧНЫ ВЯЛІКІ ТЭАТР ОПЕРЫ І БАЛЕТА РЭСПУБЛІКІ БЕЛАРУСЬ/СТО РУБЛЁЎ - Payment ticket of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus, NBRB/National Academic Grand Opera and Ballet Theatre of the Republic of Belarus/One Hundred Rubles
ПАДРОБКА БІЛЕТАЎ НАЦЫЯНАЛЬНАГА БАНКА РЭСПУБЛІКІ БЕЛАРУСЬ ПРАСЛЕДУЕЦЦА ПА ЗАКОНУ/Я.А. Глебаў „Выбранніца” (па паэмах Я. Купалы) - Forgery of banknotes of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus is prosecuted by law, J.A.Hlebaŭ „Vybranńitsa” (according to Kupala's poems)

Euro Banknote P-20z Windows and Doorways 5 euro 2013
Euro Banknote P-20z The Bridges and Map of Europe 5 euro 2013
P-20z Windows and Doorways (symbolising the European spirit of openness and cooperation by showing architectural style from the classical period in Europe's history, without showing any existing monuments or bridges)/The Bridges (symbolise communication between the people of Europe and between Europe and the rest of the world), Map of Europe - 5 euro 2013 (European Union)

Croatian Kuna Banknote P-17a Ruđer Josip Bošković and Geometric Calculations 5 dinara
Croatian Kuna Banknote P-17a Zagreb Cathedral 5 dinara
P-17a Ruđer Josip Bošković (Mathematician, Astronomer and Physicist), Geometric Calculations/Zagreb Cathedral - 5 dinara (Croatia)
REPUBLIKA HRVATSKA/ZAGREB 8. LISTOPADA, 1991 - Republic of Croatia/Zagreb 8. October 1991

British Pound Sterling Banknote P-377b Portrait of HM Queen Elizabeth II in Court Robes 1 pound sterling 1982
British Pound Sterling Banknote P-377b Sir Isaac Newton 1 pound sterling 1982
P-377b Queen Elizabeth II in Court Robes/Sir Isaac Newton, Guilloches Grey - 1 pound sterling 1982 (United Kingdom)
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