
American Coin Collections

Canadian Dollar Coin KM-132 Queen Elizabeth II, Maple Leaf 1 cent 1987
KM-132 Elizabeth II (39 years old)/A Maple Leaf Twig - 1 cent 1987 (Canada)
Dei Gratia Regina/
by the Grace of God, Queen
Canadian Dollar Coin KM-490 Queen Elizabeth II, Maple Leaf 1 cent 2009
KM-490 Elizabeth II (77 years old)/A Maple Leaf Twig - 1 cent 2009 (Canada)
Dei Gratia Regina/
by the Grace of God, Queen
Mexican Peso Coin KM-603 Mexican Golden Eagle, Anillo del Resplandor 1 peso 1999
KM-603 Coat of Arms of Mexico (Mexican golden eagle perched on a prickly pear cactus devouring a snake above a half-wreath of oak and laurel below)/Stylized Designs (from the Ring of Splendor (Anillo del Resplandor) on the Aztec calendar stone (Piedra del Sol)) - 1 peso 1999 (Mexico)
Mexican Peso Coin KM-604 Mexican Golden Eagle, Anillo de Los Días 2 pesos 2004
KM-604 Coat of Arms of Mexico (Mexican golden eagle
perched on a prickly pear cactus devouring a snake above a half-wreath of oak and laurel below)/Stylized Designs (from the Ring of Days (Anillo de Los Días) on the Aztec
calendar stone (Piedra del Sol))  
2 pesos 2004 (Mexico)
United States Dollar Coin KM-A164a George Washington, Eagle 1/4 dollars 1994
KM-A164a George Washington/An Eagle (wings spread, standing on a
shaft of srrows with two olive sprays) - 
¼ dollars 1994 (United States)
E PLURIBUS UNUM/Out of Many, One
United States Dollar Coin KM-A192 Thomas Jefferson, Monticello 5 cents 1961
KM-A192 Thomas Jefferson/Monticello (Thomas Jefferson's Virginia home)5 cents 1961 (United States)
E PLURIBUS UNUM/Out of Many, One
United States Dollar Coin KM-A192 Thomas Jefferson, Monticello 5 cents 1979
KM-A192 Thomas Jefferson/Monticello (Thomas Jefferson's Virginia home) - 5 cents 1979 (United States)
E PLURIBUS UNUM/Out of Many, One
United States Dollar Coin KM-A192 Thomas Jefferson, Monticello 5 cents 1994
KM-A192 Thomas Jefferson/Monticello (Thomas Jefferson's Virginia home) - 5 cents 1994 (United States)
E PLURIBUS UNUM/Out of Many, One
United States Dollar Coin KM-195a Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Torch 1 dime 1974
KM-195a Franklin D. Roosevelt/Olive Branch, Torch, Oak Branch (symbolize respectively peace, liberty, and victory)1 dime 1974 (United States)
E PLURIBUS UNUM/Out of Many, One
United States Dollar Coin KM-201 Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln Memorial 1 cent 1971
KM-201 Abraham Lincoln/Lincoln Memorial - 1 cent 1971 (United States)
E PLURIBUS UNUM/Out of Many, One
United States Dollar Coin KM-201a Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln Memorial 1 cent 1996
KM-201a Abraham Lincoln/Lincoln Memorial - 1 cent 1996 (United States)
E PLURIBUS UNUM/Out of Many, One
United States Dollar Coin KM-307 George Washington, Carolina Wren 1/4 dollars 2000
KM-307 George Washington/Carolina Wren (on a branch of yellow jessamine),
Palmetto Tree (against an outline of the state) - ¼ dollars 2000
 (United States)
E PLURIBUS UNUM/Out of Many, One
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