
American Banknote Collections

United States Dollar Banknote P-480aAu Portrait of George Washington 1 dollar 1988
United States Dollar Banknote P-480aAu Great Seal of the United States 1 dollar 1988
P-480aAu President George Washington/Great Seal of the United States - 1 dollar 1988 (United States)
ANNUIT CŒPTIS/MDCCLXXVI/NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM/E PLURIBUS UNUM - He (God) Has Approved Our Undertakings/1776/New Order of The Ages/Out of Many, One

United States Dollar Banknote P-530B Portrait of George Washington 1 dollar 2009
United States Dollar Banknote P-530B Great Seal of the United States 1 dollar 2009
P-530B President George Washington/Great Seal of the United States - 1 dollar 2009 (United States)
ANNUIT CŒPTIS/MDCCLXXVI/NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM/E PLURIBUS UNUM - He (God) Has Approved Our Undertakings/1776/New Order of The Ages/Out of Many, One

Venezuelan Bolívar Banknote P-88B Portrait of Francisco de Miranda 2 bolivares 2007
Venezuelan Bolívar Banknote P-88B Orinoco River Dolphins, Coro Dunes and Gusano flower 2 bolivares 2007
P-88B Portrait of Francisco de Miranda (Venezuelan military leader and revolutionary)/Orinoco River Dolphins, Coro Dunes; Gusano flower; Coat of Arms
2 bolívares 2007 
República Bolivariana de Venezuela/Dos Bolívares/Pagaderos al portador en las oficinas del banco - 
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela/Two Bolívares/Payable to the bearer at the bank offices
Banco Central de Venezuela/Casa de la Moneda - Central Bank of Venezuela/National Mint
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